The series “Witchy Travel Tales” tells the story of a witch called Miranda, who has seven beautiful daughters...
The series “Witchy Travel Tales” tells the story of a witch called Miranda, who has seven beautiful daughters. “The Seven Sisters” tells of how Miranda and her daughters cross seven seas in search of a better home...
The series “Witchy Travel Tales” tells the story of a witch called Miranda, who has seven beautiful daughters. “The Seven Sisters” tells of how Miranda and her daughters cross seven seas in search of a better home. One stormy night they land on the Seven Sisters Cliffs, south of England...
The series “Witchy Travel Tales” tells the story of a witch called Miranda, who has seven beautiful daughters. “The Seven Sisters” tells of how Miranda and her daughters cross seven seas in search of a better home. One stormy night they land on the Seven Sisters Cliffs, south of England. The night they land on the Seven Sisters Cliffs a magical bunny that lives in the hills visits Miranda and helps her to build seven magical houses.
Books in the Witchy Travel Tales series are:
- The Seven Sisters
- Sleepless in Stonehenge
- The Golden Bunny of the Lake District
- Nessie's Husband
- The Magical Tree (forthcoming)
See my books...