
Sibel Beadle started writing the children’s book series “Witchy Travel Tales” when she was getting divorced. She wrote her first story when her children went away with their Dad on holiday for the very first time without her. Sibel bought her eldest daughter a mobile phone so she could stay in contact with her. Every night her kids begged for a good night story and so at bedtime Sibel would send her children paragraphs of an imaginary story. Her kids loved the messages, the quirky characters and the story that unravelled every night so Sibel later compiled the various messages into her first book, “The Seven Sisters”.

Since then, Sibel has explored many beautiful locations in the World and has written stories about places she has visited every time her kids have been away with their Dad. Her writing deliberately tries to inspire and encourage children to visit these magical places. Her stories capture a real sense of imagination and excitement and try to help children deal with the real life problems young people face in today’s world, all without losing a sense of magic.